How to Program Easy-Fire Programs for DynaTrol

  1. Turn on the kiln switch.
  2. Wait to see IDLE, or press ENTER.
  3. Choose a firing program by pressing one of the EASY-FIRE program buttons. Press ENTER.
  4. The display will say CONE. Enter the cone number that you want to fire to and then press ENTER. Be careful to enter the 0 as part of the cone number unless you are doing high-fire (Cone 06 vs 6).
  5. The display will say HOLd. Leave it at 0.00 and press ENTER unless you have read the instructions about how holding affects firing. The display will now say IDLE (Complete).
  6. Easy Option: Enter a Delay time. The program will start firing when the timer finishes the countdown.


Slow Bisque Firing Profile to Cone 04, Pre-heat of 1 hour, 2-minute Hold - Use the following steps for a bisque firing to cone 04, a 2-minute temperature hold at the peak temperature, and a preheat stage with 1 hour hold time. THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE…You can change the firing profile, cone number, hold time, or preheat time to fit your specific needs.




Slow Bisque


If you press the wrong button, before pressing ENTER, simply press the correct button.


Alternately flashing:
CONE & # 

The Slow Bisque profile is now selected. The word CONE and the last entered cone number will alternately flash on the display. Now enter the cone number - 04.


Alternately flashing:
CONE & 04

The word CONE and the entered cone number will alternately flash on the display. If you type the wrong number, press 000, then type the correct number.


Alternately flashing:
HOLd & 0.00

The cone number has been accepted. Now enter the 10-minute hold time.



Numbers to the left of the decimal point are hours, and to the right of the decimal point are minutes. If you type the wrong number, press 0000, then type the correct number.


IdLE TC 2 flashes, then the current temperature

The 2-minute hold time is accepted. IdLE indicates the firing profile has been completed.


Alternating flashing:
HLd & 0.00

Preheat has been selected and the hold time is to be entered now.



Numbers to the left of the decimal point are hours, and to the right of the decimal point are minutes. NOTE: For a 1-hour hold time you could also enter 60 for 60 minutes; the display would show .60. If you type a wrong number, press 0000, then type the correct number.


IDLE TC 2 flashes, then the current temperature 

Accepts a hold time of 1 hour, then IdLE indicates the preheat stage has been completed.



After –On- is displayed for several seconds, the heating elements of the kiln will cycle on and the current temperature in the kiln will be displayed.

If a time is displayed instead of the current temperature, then a delayed start is in effect. If you do not want to delay the start. Press the START/STOP button, then DELAY, then 0000, then ENTER. When the current temperature and IdLE are again flashing in the display, press START/STOP to restart the program.

See the complete DynaTrol Instructions (Section 4.1) for more examples and more complete instructions.